D. is the cute girl in the black shirt.
Notice the next Mia Ham, sitting by the goal. She was put in goalie during the game, and decided to pick grass instead. I guess the goalie position was getting boring. She is her mother's daughter. I believe I would have been doing the same thing.
J. giving the kids some guidance about how to play. After the game, he told me that the girls just wanted to hold hands and be on the same team.
K. with his "special, special friend, who is way better than a best friend". They're practicing passing the ball back and forth to the goal.
D. practicing the pass pack and forth. The little boy she was kicking with kicked the ball so hard into the goal that he kicked off his shoe. D. started laughing so hard that she couldn't finish the kick. It was very cute.
The kids doing a number drill. The coach, Mr. B. calls their number and the kids run together to kick the ball. The cutest part about the whole drill was the fact that the kids kept forgetting their numbers. He'd call two numbers and then call them again and then call them again. Eventually the kids would say, "Oh, that's me." Or the kid next to them would say it's you. At one point Coach B. called out,"number 8" This whole group at the end started saying, "Hey, I'm 8. Yeah I'm 8." They were all eight years old.
We won't do soccer again until the spring. I hear the weather's not quite as nice. Boy was it fun in the fall.