Friday night, we took the kids to see
Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman
in concert. First, this is the only picture I have, because I listened
to my husband and didn't bring the camera into the theater! This
is the kids in the back of the van at the restaurant.
We went out for dinner first. We took the kids to
The Hook. It's a yummy, nice restaurant that Jon and I used to go to
before children. I was nervous about taking the kids, but Jon assured
me our kids would do great. He was right. These kids are
certainly not the two children that we had to remove
from an Uno's after being thoroughly embarrassed
by their behavior three years ago. That is a whole different story.
Back to the concert. It was fabulous. It was the United Tour, and it was
so moving and powerful. Our kids are very shy about singing,
but they sang and danced their little hearts out on Friday night.
After the show, we went out for dessert. We didn't get the kids home until
midnight. We all had so much fun. Did I mention they did a great job.
All through the concert I was watching them singing to the Lord,
and I just kept praying that the Lord would continue to
grow His love in their hearts, and they would grow to
love and serve Him. It was a fun night.

Now, our kids usually go to bed about 7pm, so midnight was
very, very late. We told the kids not to wake us up, we were sleeping until noon.
They promised they wouldn't, and they didn't. They slept
in. We did not. You can't see the bird too good in this picture,
but it's wrapped in the towel. That little black head and beak
are part of a bird that was in our house.
Saturday morning, I stumbled to the bathroom. I had to go so bad, I didn't have my glasses
on. I didn't have my contacts in. It was still darkish. I walk into the bathroom
and here this swishing sound. Then I see this blurry
black thing flying around. I screamed. Wouldn't you?! Mind
you, I was half asleep. Anyway, I screamed. At
first I thought it must be a bat. Out of hibernation early,
rabid, I don't know. I ran to the bedroom, put on my glasses,
went back to the bathroom, and took
another look. It was a bird. Then I did
what any self respecting wife does, I woke up my
husband and told him to PLEASE, PLEASE take
care of the bird, because I had to really, REALLY
Jon is not his best in the mornings, but I think
that the idea of a bird in the house made him wonder if I'd had more than
dessert the night before. "A bird?" he asked. "Are you sure."
"Yes! Yes!" I insisted. This time jumping up and down and trying
not to hold myself. I really had to pee.
Jon went to the bathroom, there was the bird. Flying up and down, but
not flying out. Jon was convinced that he could
catch the bird. He tried, and tried.
The bird go trapped in the cabinet in the bathroom, at which time
I peed.
Finally, Jon was able to catch the bird with the towel.

After taking the bird's picture, we set it free.
It flew to the tree behind our house. I swear
I heard it say, "Thank you". We spent
the rest of the day trying to figure out
how a bird got into our house, without us noticing.
How it managed to stay the night in our house
without our cat or two dogs noticing.
We still don't know how it got into our
house. Do you know, the kids slept through it.
All we could do was show them the
picture. They looked at us like we were crazy when
we insisted that yes, there had been a bird in the bathroom.
I'm still not sure they believe us.