20th, it's Jon's birthday.
us on his birthday. He's such a great dad,
because he enjoys thinking of things that the kids might like to do.
first time with them. This year,
we took them to Howe's Caverns.
the place. After our fun day at the Cavern,
we came home for a birthday party.

Happy Birthday Jon!

In June it's my birthday too.
I always tell the kids that the best birthday
gift I ever got was them. Three years ago, on my
birthday, they came to live with us. On their "anniversary"
we enjoy cupcakes for breakfast, with candles, and a
"Happy Anniversary" song.

Last year, my mom made my birthday cake. Foolishly, I thought
it was just one of many more that she would
make. I appreciated the time and effort that she took making it, but
I don't think that I appreciated the fact
that it could have been the last.
In the fall, when she was diagnosed with
cancer, I remember sitting in the hospital wondering
would my mom even be around in the summer
to celebrate my birthday.
I'm so thankful that she was. This is a cake that she made
for me. I really took time to appreciate it this year.
As I blew out my candles, I wished harder than I've ever wished before
that my mom would be here for many more birthdays.

After birthdays and anniversaries, it's the Fourth of
July. My brother came up for a visit
on the Fourth. We all enjoyed fireworks together.
Last year, I thought we would have unlimited time to watch
fireworks, this year I slowed down and enjoyed each and every moment
that we had before, during, and after the firework show.

We bought the kids cotton candy and glow in the
dark necklaces. Something that we don't usually
do. We let them fool around with
Papa. We made sure to take
time to make memories that we can draw on

This year, we hosted a Fourth of July brunch. Jon
will be quick to point out that we ate it
on the 5th, so how could it be a fourth brunch.
So, I call it the Fourth of July weekend brunch.
We had a sweet potato fratata, home made bagels, stuffed
french toast, bacon, and waffles with strawberries and

The kids made patriotic decorations that
we hung in our yard.

We ate outside on the picnic table that we
bought for our anniversary.
Yet another reason that I love my husband. Each year, for our
anniversary, we buy something for our house.
We've purchased a barbecue grill, a pool, and some other things.
This year, I really wanted a picnic table, so that we could eat
outside. Jon really didn't want one. He sited
many things: Bugs, heat, inconvenience, and mowing.
He knew how much it meant to me that
we have a table, and he bought one. I love him.

After Fourth of July weekend, my brother staid for a bit
longer. We enjoyed some outings with him.
We went to Fort Rickey one day.
Here Doodles is feeding the deer. She
reminds me of her grandmother, taking her time
to feed each and every animal. She doesn't want any of them
to go without food.

All K. wanted to do was ride the paddle boat.
His sweet Tio rode with him around and around the pond.
It seemed like they paddled everywhere about 100 times.
Tio never complained, just enjoyed the time
with K.

The next day, we took a trip to the zoo.
Both K. and Tio love animals. What fun
it was for the kids to have the time with
their uncle!

My kids favorite thing is to listen to
Tio and I share stories of our
childhood. They love to think of us as kids
like they are.

We had to take time to feed the ducks.

Looking through the binoculars.

What a view!

The kids wouldn't pose in the tiger. Apparently they've
become too cool to do this. So I posed!

"Look, a baby box turtle!"

Aren't they cute!

We've enjoyed lots of fun activities at our
local library this summer.
Here Doodles is painting a bird house.

What an artist.

Big K. enjoying the
painting. Her method, slow and methodical. His method,
paint everywhere!

This summer the kids participated in the
Fun Run for the first time. They ran a
half mile. Doodles was so nervous. K. loved
every minute of it.

The best part of any race, the goodies at the end.

After the run, we went to a local county
fair. We went to see a dog show.
It was the cutest fair I've ever been to. It was
so tiny. They had a performing clown who made
balloons to order. K. ordered a sword, of course, and Doodles
wanted a flower.

The next morning, we went
to watch Jon run the Boilermaker.

Here we are, waiting for Daddy!
What a fun summer we're having. I can't believe how fast the
time is going. When summer starts, it feels like we'll have
forever. I realized that it's going to be August in just a
few days. Before I know it, we'll be ordering our curriculum
and starting soccer again. Time just goes way too fast.
Hope you're summer has been as fun as ours!