She seemed like such a big girl back then.
This week, she turned nine! Where
has the time gone, and how did I ever get old
enough to have a nine year old.
This party was much smaller than the first.
Just our family with Oma and Poppa.
It was just as much fun, and
I believe the birthday girl enjoyed herself a lot!
I think about the kids' birth mother a lot.
I really think about her on their birthdays.
I wonder where she is, how she is,
if she's thinking of the kids.
I always try to pray for her,
for the day my children might want to meet
her. I pray that their hearts, and hers
will be prepared for that day.
I know that she never chose to
willingly put them up for adoption.
I do know that she chose to give my
children life. On their birthdays, especially,
I thank her for making the choice to bring them
into this world.
I am sad for her, that she missed out on
the absolute joy of being their mother,
but I'm happy for me, that I get to spend
each and every day with the two
most wonderful children on
the planet.
I'm thankful for the chance to get to be
a parent. Although this road
was not one I had expected,
it's been a great road to travel.
When Papa asked Doodles if she
was excited about her birthday, she said that she
was nervous. I asked her why. She
said she didn't know. She wasn't sure if
it would be happy, or what it would be like.
At the end of her day,
I asked her, "How was your birthday?"
has the time gone, and how did I ever get old
enough to have a nine year old.
Just our family with Oma and Poppa.
It was just as much fun, and
I believe the birthday girl enjoyed herself a lot!
I really think about her on their birthdays.
I wonder where she is, how she is,
if she's thinking of the kids.
I always try to pray for her,
for the day my children might want to meet
her. I pray that their hearts, and hers
will be prepared for that day.
willingly put them up for adoption.
I do know that she chose to give my
children life. On their birthdays, especially,
I thank her for making the choice to bring them
into this world.
the absolute joy of being their mother,
but I'm happy for me, that I get to spend
each and every day with the two
most wonderful children on
the planet.
a parent. Although this road
was not one I had expected,
it's been a great road to travel.
When Papa asked Doodles if she
was excited about her birthday, she said that she
was nervous. I asked her why. She
said she didn't know. She wasn't sure if
it would be happy, or what it would be like.
I asked her, "How was your birthday?"
Happy Birthday sweet 9 year old girl! We love you! :)