Monday, October 18, 2010

A very Fun Fall Festival

 This weekend, we took the kids to a fall festival. It was out on a farm, way out in the country.  The kids enjoyed all sorts of fun activities.  They enjoyed pumping water with hand pumps to make their ducks race.
They had fun working their way through a hay maze.  Later it became chasing and hiding from eachother in the hay.
 One of their favorite activities was the corn crib.  They took off their shoes and dove right in.  They LOVED burying  one another in the corn kernels.
 The boys LOVED racing around a track on little petal cars. Notice the Big K.'s expression.  He took driving seriously.

The festival also had an opportunity to rope some "steer".  The kids worked and worked at this activity.  Finally, when they were about two feet from the heads they roped their bulls.  Roping is harder than it looks.
Part of the admission price included one ticket for each child. The kids could use their tickets on various rides and games.  Our older two kids decided to shoot corn from a cannon.  Doodles' jumped the first time her corn shot out.  After that, she was a pro. 

The younger two boys used their tickets to bounce around on this huge bouncy thing.  I'm not sure what it was, but it was really neat.  The kids took off their shoes and were bouncing around like popcorn.

Jon found a petal car that both he and Baby J. could ride together.  Baby J. got to steer the cart.  The whole way home J. was talking about "driving the car with Daddy".
Finally, we took a hay ride.  The kids LOVED riding around in the hay wagon.

 The driver even bounced us through some big mud ruts. 

All in all, I have to say, a good time was had by all of us.
 We're looking forward to spending a weekend next fall at the festival.

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