This year we took Papa.
We trekked through the snow in search of the
perfect tree.
we found it.
It didn't seem that big next to all of
the other trees.
It was just the right height.
It was full and thick.
It was perfect.
Everyone took turns

the other trees.
It was just the right height.
It was full and thick.
It was perfect.

at the trunk.
We talked about other trees we'd chopped.
We talked about how much fun
Oma would have had with us.
would have decorating the tree.
Together, we carried it out of the field.
It was REALLY heavy.
to the van, it wouldn't fit. The man who owns the Christmas tree
farm told us, "No problem. I'll drop it off at your house."
We couldn't thank him enough. He kindly drove our tree to
our front door. He left us to get the tree in.
It really hadn't seemed that big.
Jon and Dad tried to get it through the front door.
It wouldn't fit. It got stuck. We had to take
the door off of the hinges. I couldn't help myself, I laughed.
It was really funny.
Jon didn't think it was so funny. Finally, we got it in the house.
It wouldn't fit in the living room.
It is currently taking up the entire dining room.
It is the biggest Christmas tree we've ever seen.
It really didn't seem that big in the field.
I guess it was, but it is still the
perfect Christmas tree.
Thanks, I needed a good laugh today! :) Your tree is beautiful! Love you guys!