Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Everyone Do the Dinosaur
Just for the day.
We had a very fun time at the zoo learning
about dinosaurs.

about dinosaurs.
the kids interested and keeping them
busy as we studied dinosaurs.
are the educational animals.
The kids get lots of hands on
baby alligator.
and learn about him.
They also learned how parts
of him are like dinosaur parts.
activity. Everyone had their own cups of hardened
plaster. They chipped and dug and cut
away layers of dirt and plaster to
reveal a little surprise inside.
I wonder if the time inspired any future
plans for paleontology (the study of dinosaurs).
Monday, February 22, 2010
There Are Days
for me to wake up, get moving, and enjoy
the things of this life. Then there
are days when all I want to do is
be in heaven.
I'm not suicidal, I just want to be with my Mom.
I want to tell her about everything that's happened
since she's been gone. I want to tell her about the kids.
One of my Mother's greatest joys was being a grandmother.
One of my Mother's greatest joys was being a grandmother.
talk about the kids.
When P. and Baby D. joined our family my
Mom embraced them as if they were her own
grand babies.
She staid at our house one weekend so that I could get some sleep.
She woke up all night to take care of the baby.
She loved being able to do that.
from our home, it broke her heart as much as it did ours.
She loved those boys so very much. Nothing made her
happier than knowing that Jon and I still got to see them.
During her last year of life, the boys' foster mother offered to bring them
to see my Mom. My sweet mother didn't want them to be sad, or worried, or scared.
As much as she may have wanted to see them, she didn't.
If I could go to heaven, I would talk on and on about having
four kids again. I would tell her how big
the boys are. I would tell her how happy the kids are
to be together because blood alone doesn't make you siblings.
I would tell her how much I love her.
I would thank her for raising me to have the strength and courage to wake up every
day, even when I don't want to.
I would thank her for giving me the desire to be a mother.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
It Never Ends
It seems like it never ends.
Our washing machine and drier deserve
an award. I know what we'll be doing
this weekend.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
An Old Fasioned Ice Harvest
so the kids could learn about ice harvesting.
Although it was cold,
each of them took a turn pushing
the ice blocks towards the bank.
This way the horses could pick them up.
They also tried sawing the ice.

each of them took a turn pushing
the ice blocks towards the bank.
This way the horses could pick them up.

Doodles couldn't move the blade without
Daddy's help.
we walked to the ice house
to watch the workers move the blocks of ice in.
The village saves the ice in the house through the summer,
and then they have an ice cream social.
I went to my first one while I was in college.
It was so much fun to take the kids, and
to see the joy on their faces as they tried
something new. At the end of the day,
the Big K. told me,
"Boy am I glad we have a refrigerator."
So am I.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
She would celebrate every holiday on the
calendar if we'd let her.
President's Day, Flag Day, anything.
anything to celebrate before we met her.
She and her brother had never had a birthday,
Easter, or Thanksgiving.
When Doodles got a family, she got holidays.
making the time fun.
Today was Valentine's Day. What fun
it was to think of special things to do for the kids.
milk for breakfast.
The kids loved them, especially Doodles.
Every year, we give the kids some Valentine
candy and a book.
This year was no different.
This morning after church,
each of the kids took some time to open their cards
and their presents.
A happy Valentine's Day was had by

Every year, we give the kids some Valentine
candy and a book.

This morning after church,
each of the kids took some time to open their cards
and their presents.

people that you love.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Getting To Know You (Again)
ones to our family has made us much busier!
The boys lived with us for one year.
They moved out right before
my Mom was diagnosed with cancer, because we believed
they would be returning to their mother, and we
really want to adopt.
we've come to know and love their mother.
We've staid in touch with their other foster mother,
and we've seen the boys off and on.
knew we had to say yes.
Friday, I realized how right that decision was.
P. and D. have visits with their mom, and
they had one on Friday. P. became very upset.
I held him, told him how much I loved him, and I let him
know that he was staying with us until he could live with his
mom. I told him his mom would be coming over to
our house, and that we would be doing things together.
year old. I held him. I kissed him. I told him how much we
loved him. He started twisting my hair. A habit he
had when he was a toddler.
He opened up his toy bin and started going
through all of his old toys. I'd saved them all of
this time. I'm so thankful they were still here.
As he went through his things, he would
bring them out to me. He would
say, "Mommy, I remember this." or "I love this".
Finally he looked at me and said,
"I did live here before. I did. I remember."
The smile on his face was HUGE! His
The smile on his face was HUGE! His
eyes have been sparkling ever since.
I knew, at that moment, our decision to allow
the boys back into our family, no matter how long
or how short, was the right one.
God had them returned to us for a reason that only He knows.
I'm just so thankful for this time.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wow! What A Week!
On Monday morning, we received a call.
It wasn't totally out of the blue,
but it was still a surprise.
we visited with before Christmas,
needed to be removed from their foster home.
The county wanted to know if we would take them back.
WOW! We really don't want to be foster parents.
Our goal has always been adoption.
and praying, and talking to our kids,
we decided to allow the boys to come back.
We couldn't send them to another home.
We know what that does to kids.
Our kids had eight homes before they came to us.
They suffer from those moves almost daily.
We couldn't do that to the boys.
The look on the baby's face. I believe
he remembers his time here, on some level.
P. was also so excited to be home.
He laughed and played,
and was hugging and kissing us
all evening.
I don't know the Lord's will in this, but
I believe He wants the boys here.
We love them so much, we love
their mother. These children have become a part
of our family. I pray that they always will
be, and that the Lord will use us any way
He sees fit.
Oh how I wish my Mom were here right now. To see the kids.
To know they're home. She would be so happy.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Just An Ordinary Day
In the play "Our Town", one of the characters
gets the chance to choose one day
to go back to. To re-live.
I remember the author's writing that described the character
as an observer of an ordinary day in her life.
enjoy, just one day out of my life,
I would choose the day that we
went to the Bronx Zoo.
Not because it was any different than any other
day. I would go back because it was
such an ordinary day.
It was the last time that we were
all together, before life
was shadowed with cancer.
With death.
We walked through the zoo and enjoyed
each other's company. We met my
brother. We ate lunch.
We laughed.
We thought there would be a million more
days like that one.
zoo, we found out my Mom was dying.
On that day, she wasn't dying.
We weren't hurting.
We weren't healing.
We were a family that was whole.
I would enjoy it more.
I would savour the time that we shared.
Some how I would make the day last longer.
I would slow down and enjoy it more.
loved ones, can become such a special
I'm so thankful that we had that time.
One thing that my Mother's illness and death has
taught me is how finite life is.
How you just never know when the ordinary
may become the extraordinary.
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