so the kids could learn about ice harvesting.
Although it was cold,
each of them took a turn pushing
the ice blocks towards the bank.
This way the horses could pick them up.
They also tried sawing the ice.

each of them took a turn pushing
the ice blocks towards the bank.
This way the horses could pick them up.

Doodles couldn't move the blade without
Daddy's help.
we walked to the ice house
to watch the workers move the blocks of ice in.
The village saves the ice in the house through the summer,
and then they have an ice cream social.
I went to my first one while I was in college.
It was so much fun to take the kids, and
to see the joy on their faces as they tried
something new. At the end of the day,
the Big K. told me,
"Boy am I glad we have a refrigerator."
So am I.
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