Monday, January 24, 2011

On Being a Mother

To me, being a mother means
not just wearing my heart on my sleeve, 
but having it tucked into the pockets
of the little people who call me, 
It means worrying about things
that never crossed my mind before.
To me, being a mother means
really loving others
more than I love myself.
It means seeing the future through the
eyes of my children.
For me, being a mother means
knowing that my heart will break
when their hearts break.
Being a mother means knowing that they 
will grow up, leave our home,
search for their birth families.
For me, being a mother means laughing at
the silly things that they say,
feeling like they are the four smartest kids
in the whole world,
talking about them non-stop to everyone.
For me, being a mother means
sharing in their lives,
their laughter,
their joys.
It means crying with them when they cry,
encouraging them to keep trying even when they feel like
giving up,
rejoicing with them when they succeed.
For me, being a mother means living
each and every day for them.  It means seeing the world through
their eyes.
For me, being a mother is by far the best
job ever.

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