Monday, November 22, 2010

Adoption Day 2010

November is Adoption Awareness month.
November 20th is National
Adoption Day.
National Adoption Day was started to draw attention
to the thousands of waiting children.
Children who are older, emotionally scared,
physically disabled, waiting.
Children who are waiting for a family, a home, a chance, love.
Jon and I have had the privilege, the pleasure,
the blessing of bringing four of these waiting
children into our family.
We made the choice to adopt.  We made the choice
to adopt from this country.
We made the choice to adopt out of foster care.
I thank the Lord every day for the children that
He has given us.  I pray every day
that the Lord will heal the scars of their hearts.
I thank the Lord every day for the birth mothers and
fathers of our children.
I pray every day for the time when our children may choose to meet their
birth parents.
On days like Friday, I celebrate.  I celebrate
the joy of adding to our family.
I celebrate the miracle, the gift of adoption.
I celebrate that the Lord has answered my prayers.
Our prayers.
During this month of Thanksgiving, I am thankful
for the family that the Lord is growing for us,
and for the extended family that celebrated our joy
with us.
I am thankful for my sons.  My two youngest
boys.  I am thankful for the privilege of being their mother.
I am thankful that the Lord chose us to be their family,
to raise them up into the men that they will become.
P. and Baby J.  Daddy and I love you more
than you will ever know.  Thank you for being our sons.
We look forward to watching you grow.  We look forward
to our lives together as a family. 


  1. Congratulations P and Baby J! You have been adopted into a "family of love"! I met you just a few weeks ago and you both were so happy that you made me happy too! Thank you - a new Friend - Darlene

  2. This is at least the third time I have left this comment "Congratulations P and Baby J you have been adopted into a "family of love"! I met you just a few weeks ago and you both were so happy that it made me happy too. Thank you - A new Friend - Darlene
