Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bucket List Day One

This morning, we woke up bright and early
with the promise of our first bucket list
P. drew out our slip of paper which said,
"Make Paper Spinners".
After a few minutes of explaining to the younger two boys
what a paper spinner was, we started our project.
We picked our really pretty sparkly paper in all of
our favorite colors.
Once we were sure that the paper was a perfect square, we
folded it in half,
then in half again.
Once our big triangle was folded into a little triangle
it was time to start cutting.
We cut on the folds almost to the middle of the square.
For the younger kids, I drew little dots with a pen
that showed them where to stop cutting.
After we finished cutting our pinwheels, we started putting them
together.  This turned out to be a little trickier than we thought
it would be.  First we tried using push pins into erasers to hold
the pinwheels together.  Then we tried punching holes and attaching
the pinwheels to straws.
After a lot of experimenting, we came up with brass fasteners,
push pins, and pencils.  We held our really big pinwheels together
with brass fasteners, stuck a push pin through
the paper near the fastener, and then using the push pin, attached the
pinwheel to the top of a pencil eraser.
The fist bucket list project was a HUGE hit.
All through the activity the kids kept saying,
"This is so much fun. This is so much fun."
Despite the fact that the pinwheels didn't
turn out perfectly, and The Big K.'s was really the only
one that seemed to spin, we had a great time.
We spent our morning making memories together.
We spent our morning just having fun together.  We
spent our time laughing, enjoying each other, and enjoying 
our summer vacation.

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