Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Boogers, Snots, and The Lungs

This week, we have been learning all about
the lungs.
We've read lots of books, done an air
exchange experiment, and
today we made our very own boogers.
You should have heard the carrying on that the kids
did.  First, lots of giggles, then lots of, "Oh Gross!"
Then more giggling.
They blew their noses, to examine real life boogers, then they
made their own mucus.
Here's how it works:
1/2 c. boiling water
three packets of unflavored gelatin.
Sprinkle the gelatin on the top of the water, let
it sit for a bit, until it's soft.                            
Once gelatin is soft, stir until it dissolves.
Notice Doodles plugging her nose. It really stinks.
Once the gelatin has dissolved, stir in enough Clear Karo Syrup to make
one cup.  As the mixture cools, you might have to add a little
more water.  Just a spoonful at a time.
The mucus, is mucus, when you can lift the fork out of the 
gelatin/syrup mixture and long strings of snot
What the kids learned:
Mucus is everywhere in the body-not just in your nose.  When you
get a cold, your nose makes more mucus trying to flush out the germs.
Your nose is like a vacuum cleaner.  The hairs and mucus trap
all sorts of yucky stuff from the air, so that it won't get
into your lungs.
Now, to turn your mucus into really gross boogers and snots,
take a bit of dust from your vacuum cleaner bag.  Sprinkle the dust
on the top of the mucus, stir it in, watch how the dirt particles
are suspended and trapped by the mucus.
That's how your lungs are kept clean by your nose.
Pretty cool huh?
And of course, there has to be a song
about the lungs right.  Here's one
the kids have been learning this week.
Today, I learned that my kids LOVE science. They LOVE to
learn about their bodies, and despite the cries
of, "Oh Gross MOM!"  I know that they will never
look at the inside of their tissues the same way again.

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