Friday, February 18, 2011

Fun With Books

I am a HUGE bookworm.  Shortly after my Mom died, I couldn't read a thing.
I couldn't concentrate on anything. I'd start a book, but I couldn't
finish it.  I was lost, like an addict looking for a fix.
I'd go to the library, check out tons of book, read two or three pages
of each, never finish them.  I couldn't.
One weekend, I went to visit my Dad.  We went to a favorite bookstore that
we both used to go to with my Mom.  I shared with him my
problem of not being able to read.
I went into the bookstore, bought a ton of books, and
after that weekend, that visit, I was able to read again.
It was a relief.
One thing that I love about homeschooling is being able to share my
love of reading with my kids.  We met them during their early schooling years. 
They had never been exposed to books or reading.  They loved when we would read
stories to them. 
Doodles was a late reader.  Big K. started reading at the end of kindergarten.
They both LOVE to read.
Currently, they are both enjoying the book "Robin Hood".
The book is HUGE for a couple of fourth graders.
They love it.
Today, they had fun not only reading their books, but quizzing
each other on different parts of the story.
They would ask each other questions about what happened in the story.
Like all siblings, there was some disagreement about the answers given.
They would grab their books, race to find the answers,
prove the other wrong.  It was 
great fun to watch them.
Great fun to see them truly loving the process of learning.
It is wonderful to see them really loving to read.

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