Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Validation, Everyone Needs It

Are they learning?  A question teachers
 and home schooling parents everywhere ask
themselves all of the time.
One of the questions most asked by the "unschooling" family.
One I've been asking myself for the past three weeks that
we've tried schooling test free.
Are they learning.
Then, I saw this,
my daughter building a castle in the snow.
Not just a mound of snow, but with all of the things
we'd been learning about while learning about
castles.  Then, she was Joan of Arc.
Not only did she lead her troops into battle,
she wrote a poem about herself 
"Joan of Arc" to accompany
herself into battle.
And so I ask, are they learning
I think they might be.
I think, that without the tests,
without the worksheets,
without all of the traditional measurements that I've
been using, I can safely say they are learning.
Today, we worked on division.
We used a game called "Leftovers".
The kids worked and worked on their division problems.
Not so that they could turn out yet another
math worksheet, but so that they could have the largest
The child with the greatest "leftovers" could
move the most around the board.
They were having so much fun that the Big K.
kept saying again and again,
"This is fun".
They were having so much fun that P. only wanted to sit
at the table with them, watch them play, and cheer them on.
So, are they learning?
I think they are.

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